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Prof. Albrecht Jahn

Prof. Albrecht Jahn, MD, Ph.D., MSc Community Health, MSc Biol., is a medical doctor and biologist
by training. He is a consultant for obstetrics and gynecology, and public health specialist, with 6 years
of working experience in Tanzania and Kenya. He joined the Institute of Tropical Hygiene in
Heidelberg as a senior lecturer and researcher in 1992 with a focus on effectiveness in maternity
care. He then worked with the European Union’s Directorate General for Research as Scientific
Officer, covering international cooperation in health research. In this capacity, he was involved in the
identification of global research priorities for health systems and pandemic control. Since 2011 he
heads the working group on Global Health Policies and Systems at the Institute of Global Health at
Heidelberg University and covers health policy, health in the sustainable development goals, and
reproductive health in research and teaching.


His main areas are (a) rights-based approaches towards universal health coverage and the post-2015
agenda, (b) access to medicines, (c) the translation of the SDGs into policies at the national level (d)
disease control and surveillance technologies, (e) reproductive and child health.
Prof Jahn has a long track record in postgraduate teaching as a module convener in the MSc
International Health. He has assisted in setting up a successful MPH program at the Muhimbili
University for Health and Allied Sciences in Tanzania with the support of the German Development
Cooperation and is currently engaged in joint research on reproductive health in Tanzania. He has
published more than 150 scientific papers on infectious disease control, access to essential
medicines, reproductive health, health and environment, and health policies.


Further recent activities include;

  • Member of the WHO Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development

(CEWG) (2010-2013).

  • Co-PI of the EU-funded Go4Health Project on the development of the Sustainable

Development Goals and the post-2015 agenda (2013-2018)

  • Appointment as a member of the Expert Advisory Panel on Health Science and Technology

Policy at the World Health Organization (since 2017)

  • Member and organizer of the Lancet Commission on Synergies between universal health

coverage, health security, and health promotion (since 2018)

  • Clinical Partnerships with Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) and

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) on quality of care and prevention
of gender-based violence

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